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Fortes RLReport + RLPDFFilter: constant "Range check error"

Ver Solução Respondido por EDW,
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Good evening,

I use DELPHI 11.3 Community.

My fortes reports work fine, but I can't save them as PDF.
I have tried to generate a PDF file with a RLPDFFilter on a RLReport:
- using RLReport1.PreviewModal or RLReport1.Preview: I see "Use Filter" = "PDF Document" in de the SAVE-dialog. I always get a "Range Error Check" and the writing of the PDF stops after 163bytes (= after the first ">> endobj"). See attachment e10.PDF.
- same error and same 163 bytes using different combinations of prepare/filterpages/savetofile.

A had the error with a "normal" complex report and with an extremely simple report (test app in attachment).

Is there someone who has a solution ?

TEST_PDF.identcache TEST_PDF.dsk TEST_PDF.res TEST_PDF.dpr TEST_PDF.dproj.local TEST_PDF.dproj TEST_PDF_form.pas TEST_PDF_form.dfm e10.pdf

  • Solution


I found the problem:
- the "FILTROS"-demo worked normally (I could save as PDF without problems);
- the only difference between the demo and my apps was the DPROJ-file: my project settings had Overflow checking and Range checking on (in debug mode).
After unchecking both settings I was able to generate a PDF without errors.

So I added {$Q-} and {$R-} in RLPDFFilter.pas.

  • Moderadores
18 minutos atrás, EDW disse:


I found the problem:
- the "FILTROS"-demo worked normally (I could save as PDF without problems);
- the only difference between the demo and my apps was the DPROJ-file: my project settings had Overflow checking and Range checking on (in debug mode).
After unchecking both settings I was able to generate a PDF without errors.

So I added {$Q-} and {$R-} in RLPDFFilter.pas.

pull request in github project

Consultor SAC ACBr Juliomar Marchetti

Projeto ACBr

skype: juliomar
telegram: juliomar
e-mail: [email protected]


  • Este tópico foi criado há 380 dias atrás.
  • Talvez seja melhor você criar um NOVO TÓPICO do que postar uma resposta aqui.

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