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Create new service to know connection status

Ver Solução Respondido por José M. S. Junior,
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Good afternoon.

Please give us a some details... I didn't understand what you need... If you are using ACBr Monitor Plus, it always has to be up in order to receive any command.


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Consultora SAC ACBr

Juliana Tamizou

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Hi Juliana


I mean,...

Imagine conection between ACBR and SEFAZ is down, ¿Is there any service I could create in my server that send me an alert or mail when this problem appears?.

I don't want to enter in monitor every day to verify if there is any problem.


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ACBrMonitor does not do any tasks alone.

In the same way that your system sends the NFe transmission command, your system must also send the command to see if the interface (SEFAZ) is in operation.
The correct procedure is to consult the Service (NFe.StatusServico), before sending the NFe. Your system needs to read the ACBrMonitor return and perform the procedure you feel is necessary.

ACBrMonitor works as an integrator! Get a command, execute and return a response...

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Consultor SAC ACBr

José Junior
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5 horas atrás, Antonio D. Méndez disse:

I don't understand when you talk about " in your application ".

I'm talking about create a service in the windows or linux server that notify me when the interface is down.


How are you currently using ACBr? Also, are you using Delphi or Lazarus?

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Um engenheiro de Controle de Qualidade(QA) entra num bar. Pede uma cerveja. Pede zero cervejas.
Pede 99999999 cervejas. Pede -1 cervejas. Pede um jacaré. Pede asdfdhklçkh.


I'm using SAP as ERP.

SAP put NF files into a share folder that ACBR read and send to SEFAZ.

The file that SEFAZ returns is readed by SAP using another shared folder.

So, we have not any application to execute NFe.StatusService command.


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OK, just as SAP writes the NFe file and reads the return file in another folder, this can also be done with the "NFe.StatusService" command.

In the ACBrMonitor manual there are all the service methods available by SEFAZ :

So, if SAP integrates with ACBrMonitor, SAP will need to implement it by reading the return and validating the error code. This way, you can identify the service status of SEFAZ ...

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Consultor SAC ACBr

José Junior
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Projeto ACBr     Telefone:(15) 2105-0750 WhatsApp(15)99790-2976.

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Postado (editado)

Another possibility would be to create a system running as a service, which communicates with ACBrMonitor. However, this is a task that should be a responsibility of the software that currently communicates with ACBrMonitor.

Editado por EMBarbosa
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Consultor SAC ACBr

José Junior
Ajude o Projeto ACBr crescer - Assine o SAC

Projeto ACBr     Telefone:(15) 2105-0750 WhatsApp(15)99790-2976.

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