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Não achei um fórum especifico para isso, se tiver, me informe ou mova a mensagem.

é valido eu corrigir umas coisas assim e enviar os fontes para vocês mantenedores?

Tem coisas, que ao desenvolver, se a pessoa der um simples build all já cata os piolhos...

a ordem está do que penso ser pior, para o menos pior...


[dcc32 Warning] synautil.pas(2024): W1000 Symbol 'StrLComp' is deprecated: 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit'
[dcc32 Warning] synautil.pas(2029): W1000 Symbol 'StrLComp' is deprecated: 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit'
[dcc32 Warning] synautil.pas(2062): W1000 Symbol 'StrLComp' is deprecated: 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit'
[dcc32 Warning] synautil.pas(2066): W1000 Symbol 'StrLComp' is deprecated: 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit'
[dcc32 Warning] synautil.pas(2069): W1000 Symbol 'StrLComp' is deprecated: 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit'
[dcc32 Warning] synautil.pas(2072): W1000 Symbol 'StrLComp' is deprecated: 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit'
[dcc32 Warning] synautil.pas(2087): W1000 Symbol 'StrLComp' is deprecated: 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit'
[dcc32 Warning] synautil.pas(2090): W1000 Symbol 'StrLComp' is deprecated: 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit'
[dcc32 Warning] ssl_openssl.pas(179): W1000 Symbol 'StrLCopy' is deprecated: 'Moved to the AnsiStrings unit'
[dcc32 Warning] pnfsNFSeR.pas(1009): W1050 WideChar reduced to byte char in set expressions.  Consider using 'CharInSet' function in 'SysUtils' unit.
[dcc32 Warning] pnfsNFSeR.pas(2482): W1050 WideChar reduced to byte char in set expressions.  Consider using 'CharInSet' function in 'SysUtils' unit.
[dcc32 Warning] pnfsNFSeW_Infisc.pas(782): W1037 FOR-Loop variable 'lIndex' may be undefined after loop
[dcc32 Warning] pnfsNFSeW_Infisc.pas(785): W1036 Variable 'lIndex' might not have been initialized
[dcc32 Warning] pcteCTeR.pas(772): W1036 Variable 'qtdRat_UnidTransp' might not have been initialized
[dcc32 Warning] ACBrCTeWebServices.pas(2732): W1036 Variable 'SchemaEventoCTe' might not have been initialized
[dcc32 Warning] pmdfeMDFeR.pas(451): W1036 Variable 'qtdRat_UnidTransp' might not have been initialized
[dcc32 Warning] ACBrMDFeWebServices.pas(1910): W1036 Variable 'SchemaEventoMDFe' might not have been initialized

[dcc32 Hint] synautil.pas(1846): H2077 Value assigned to 'x' never used
[dcc32 Hint] ACBrGNRE2.pas(250): H2164 Variable 'lTipoEvento' is declared but never used in 'TACBrGNRE.IdentificaSchema'
[dcc32 Hint] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(443): H2164 Variable 'xUF' is declared but never used in 'TGNRERecepcao.DefinirURL'
[dcc32 Hint] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(444): H2164 Variable 'ok' is declared but never used in 'TGNRERecepcao.DefinirURL'
[dcc32 Hint] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(545): H2164 Variable 'i' is declared but never used in 'TGNRERetRecepcao.Clear'
[dcc32 Hint] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(545): H2164 Variable 'j' is declared but never used in 'TGNRERetRecepcao.Clear'
[dcc32 Hint] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(618): H2164 Variable 'ok' is declared but never used in 'TGNRERetRecepcao.DefinirURL'
[dcc32 Hint] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(721): H2164 Variable 'J' is declared but never used in 'TGNRERetRecepcao.TratarRespostaFinal'
[dcc32 Hint] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(724): H2164 Variable 'SalvarXML' is declared but never used in 'TGNRERetRecepcao.TratarRespostaFinal'
[dcc32 Hint] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(937): H2164 Variable 'ok' is declared but never used in 'TGNRERecibo.DefinirURL'
[dcc32 Hint] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(1086): H2164 Variable 'ok' is declared but never used in 'TGNREConsultaUF.DefinirURL'
[dcc32 Hint] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(100): H2219 Private symbol 'GetLote' declared but never used
[dcc32 Hint] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(101): H2219 Private symbol 'GetRecibo' declared but never used
[dcc32 Hint] ACBrGNREWebServices.pas(140): H2219 Private symbol 'GetRecibo' declared but never used
[dcc32 Hint] ACBrGNREGuias.pas(314): H2077 Value assigned to 'Guia.LerXML' never used
[dcc32 Hint] ACBrGNREGuias.pas(311): H2077 Value assigned to 'Guia.LerXML' never used
[dcc32 Hint] ACBrGNREGuias.pas(333): H2077 Value assigned to 'Guia.GravarStream' never used
[dcc32 Hint] ACBrGNREGuias.pas(640): H2077 Value assigned to 'TGuias.LoadFromFile' never used
[dcc32 Hint] ACBrGNREGuias.pas(669): H2077 Value assigned to 'TGuias.LoadFromStream' never used
[dcc32 Hint] ACBrGNREGuias.pas(84): H2219 Private symbol 'ValidarConcatChave' declared but never used

[dcc32 Hint] pnfsNFSeW.pas(252): H2077 Value assigned to 'TNFSeWClass.GerarXml' never used
[dcc32 Hint] ACBrNFeDANFEFRDM.pas(170): H2219 Private symbol 'Explode' declared but never used
[dcc32 Hint] pcteCTeW.pas(108): H2219 Private symbol 'GerarLocColeta' declared but never used
[dcc32 Hint] pcteCTeW.pas(118): H2219 Private symbol 'GerarLocEnt' declared but never used
[dcc32 Hint] ACBrCTeWebServices.pas(2732): H2077 Value assigned to 'EventoEhValido' never used
[dcc32 Hint] ACBrCTeDACTEFR.pas(2671): H2077 Value assigned to 'Child' never used
[dcc32 Hint] ACBrMDFeWebServices.pas(1910): H2077 Value assigned to 'EventoEhValido' never used

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35 minutos atrás, acgubamg disse:

Não achei um fórum especifico para isso, se tiver, me informe ou mova a mensagem.

Leia este tópico que já tem comentários dos mantenedores sobre o assunto:


Equipe ACBr BigWings
Ajude o Projeto ACBr crescer - Assine o SAC

Projeto ACBr



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Postado (editado)


Por se tratar de um projeto open-source grande  e com propósito de ser compatível com múltiplas IDEs e multiplataforma e com baixa colaboração nesse sentido os mantenedores sempre precisam de colaboração.

Faça os ajustes que julgar necessário e anexe no tópico. 

De preferencia de continuidade ao tópico que o @BigWings mencionou.

Lá você vai encontrar uma diretiva que desativa muito dessas mensagens e te ajudam com isso ter um retorno da IDE muito mais limpo.

Editado por Waldir Paim
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