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Erros Ao Atualizar O Acbrnfemonitor

Ver Solução Respondido por Italo Giurizzato Junior,
  • Este tópico foi criado há 3859 dias atrás.
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Ao Compilar o Acbr está ocorrendo alguns erros:


[Warning] ACBrNFeMonitor1.pas(38): Unit 'FileCtrl' is specific to a platform
[Hint] pcnNFe.pas(601): Private symbol 'SetNVE' declared but never used
[Hint] pcnEnvEventoNFe.pas(147): Value assigned to 'TEventoNFe.GerarXML' never used
[Warning] JwaWinCrypt.pas(19661): Text after final 'END.' - ignored by compiler
[Hint] ACBrUtil.pas(427): Value assigned to 'P2F' never used
[Hint] ACBrUtil.pas(426): Value assigned to 'P1F' never used
[Hint] ACBrUtil.pas(2808): Value assigned to 'valResult' never used
[Hint] pcnNFeW.pas(715): Variable 'cMun' is declared but never used in 'TNFeW.GerarEntrega'
[Hint] pcnNFeW.pas(716): Variable 'xMun' is declared but never used in 'TNFeW.GerarEntrega'
[Hint] pcnNFeW.pas(717): Variable 'xUF' is declared but never used in 'TNFeW.GerarEntrega'
[Warning] ACBrNFeWebServices.pas(1858): Variable 'nfeAutorizacaoLote' might not have been initialized
[Warning] ACBrNFeWebServices.pas(2323): Variable 'nfeAutorizacaoLote' might not have been initialized
[Warning] ACBrNFeWebServices.pas(2574): Variable 'nfeAutorizacaoLote' might not have been initialized
[Hint] ACBrNFeNotasFiscais.pas(887): Value assigned to 'TNotasFiscais.LoadFromString' never used
[Warning] ACBrNFeDANFERaveDM.pas(825): Variable 'Campos2' might not have been initialized
[Warning] ACBrNFeDANFERaveDM.pas(1383): Variable 'Campos' might not have been initialized
[Warning] ACBrNFeDANFERaveDM.pas(1383): Variable 'CamposFisco' might not have been initialized
[Warning] ACBrDANFeCBRaveRetrato.pas(224): Variable 'CenterX' might not have been initialized
[Warning] JwaWinNT.pas(9329): Text after final 'END.' - ignored by compiler
[Warning] JwaWinType.pas(1855): Text after final 'END.' - ignored by compiler
[Warning] ACBrCTeDACTeQRRetrato.pas(1088): Comparison always evaluates to False
[Warning] ACBrCTeDACTeQRRetrato.pas(1969): Comparison always evaluates to False
[Hint] ACBrCTeDACTeQRRetrato.pas(2205): Variable 'j' is declared but never used in 'TfrmDACTeQRRetrato.qrb_13_ModAquaviarioBeforePrint'
[Hint] ACBrCTeDACTeQRRetratoA5.pas(1607): Variable 'i' is declared but never used in 'TfrmDACTeQRRetratoA5.qrb_05_ComplementoBeforePrint'
[Hint] ACBrCTeDACTeQRRetratoA5.pas(1920): Variable 'i' is declared but never used in 'TfrmDACTeQRRetratoA5.qrb_13_ModAquaviarioBeforePrint'
[Hint] ACBrCTeDACTeQRRetratoA5.pas(1920): Variable 'j' is declared but never used in 'TfrmDACTeQRRetratoA5.qrb_13_ModAquaviarioBeforePrint'
[Hint] ACBrDANFCeFortesFr.pas(252): Variable 'Endereco' is declared but never used in 'TACBrNFeDANFCeFortesFr.rlbMensagemFiscalBeforePrint'
[Hint] ACBrDANFCeFortesFr.pas(385): Variable 'NumExtrato' is declared but never used in 'TACBrNFeDANFCeFortesFr.rlVendaBeforePrint'
[Hint] ACBrDANFCeFortesFr.pas(387): Variable 'I' is declared but never used in 'TACBrNFeDANFCeFortesFr.rlVendaBeforePrint'
[Error] DoACBrNFeUnit.pas(1718): Incompatible types: 'TNVECollection' and 'String'
[Error] DoACBrNFeUnit.pas(2131): Undeclared identifier: 'vINSS'
[Error] DoACBrNFeUnit.pas(2132): Undeclared identifier: 'vIR'
[Error] DoACBrNFeUnit.pas(2133): Undeclared identifier: 'vCSLL'
[Error] DoACBrNFeUnit.pas(2138): Undeclared identifier: 'indISSRet'
[Error] DoACBrNFeUnit.pas(2139): Undeclared identifier: 'indISS'
[Error] DoACBrNFeUnit.pas(2140): Undeclared identifier: 'cServico'
[Error] DoACBrNFeUnit.pas(2141): Undeclared identifier: 'cMun'
[Error] DoACBrNFeUnit.pas(2142): Undeclared identifier: 'cPais'
[Error] DoACBrNFeUnit.pas(2143): Undeclared identifier: 'nProcesso'
[Error] DoACBrNFeUnit.pas(2145): Undeclared identifier: 'indIncentivo'
[Fatal Error] ACBrNFeMonitor1.pas(387): Could not compile used unit 'DoACBrNFeUnit.pas'

Boa Tarde,


Removi tudo, instalei tudo novamente e atualizei os fontes.

Mas ficou alguns erros ainda:


  [Warning] ACBrNFeMonitor1.pas(38): Unit 'FileCtrl' is specific to a platform
  [Error] DoACBrNFeUnit.pas(1718): Incompatible types: 'TNVECollection' and 'String'
  [Error] DoACBrNFeUnit.pas(2131): Undeclared identifier: 'vINSS'
  [Error] DoACBrNFeUnit.pas(2132): Undeclared identifier: 'vIR'
  [Error] DoACBrNFeUnit.pas(2133): Undeclared identifier: 'vCSLL'
  [Error] DoACBrNFeUnit.pas(2138): Undeclared identifier: 'indISSRet'
  [Error] DoACBrNFeUnit.pas(2139): Undeclared identifier: 'indISS'
  [Error] DoACBrNFeUnit.pas(2140): Undeclared identifier: 'cServico'
  [Error] DoACBrNFeUnit.pas(2141): Undeclared identifier: 'cMun'
  [Error] DoACBrNFeUnit.pas(2142): Undeclared identifier: 'cPais'
  [Error] DoACBrNFeUnit.pas(2143): Undeclared identifier: 'nProcesso'
  [Error] DoACBrNFeUnit.pas(2145): Undeclared identifier: 'indIncentivo'
  [Fatal Error] ACBrNFeMonitor1.pas(387): Could not compile used unit 'DoACBrNFeUnit.pas'
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  • Talvez seja melhor você criar um NOVO TÓPICO do que postar uma resposta aqui.

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