Bom dia Juliomar, fiz isso agora, instalou corretamente ai ao iniciar o delphi apareceu o seguinte:
Can't load package C:\Componentes\ACBr\Lib\Delphi\LibD26\Win32\DCLACBr_NFeDanfeFR.bpl.
Cannot load package 'fs25.' It contains unit 'fs_tree', which is also contained in package 'fs26'.
Do you want to attempt to load this package the next time a project is loaded?
Can't load package C:\Componentes\ACBr\Lib\Delphi\LibD26\Win32\DCLACBr_CTeDacteFR.bpl.
Cannot load package 'fs25.' It contains unit 'fs_tree', which is also contained in package 'fs26'.
Do you want to attempt to load this package the next time a project is loaded?
Can't load package C:\Componentes\ACBr\Lib\Delphi\LibD26\Win32\DCLACBr_NFSeDanfseFR.bpl.
Cannot load package 'fs25.' It contains unit 'fs_tree', which is also contained in package 'fs26'.
Do you want to attempt to load this package the next time a project is loaded?
Can't load package C:\Componentes\ACBr\Lib\Delphi\LibD26\Win32\DCLACBr_BoletoFR.bpl.
Cannot load package 'fs25.' It contains unit 'fs_tree', which is also contained in package 'fs26'.
Do you want to attempt to load this package the next time a project is loaded?
Can't load package C:\Componentes\ACBr\Lib\Delphi\LibD26\Win32\DCLACBr_MDFeDamdfeFR.bpl.
Cannot load package 'fs25.' It contains unit 'fs_tree', which is also contained in package 'fs26'.
Do you want to attempt to load this package the next time a project is loaded?
Can't load package C:\Componentes\ACBr\Lib\Delphi\LibD26\Win32\DCLACBr_GNREGuiaFR.bpl.
Cannot load package 'fs25.' It contains unit 'fs_tree', which is also contained in package 'fs26'.
Do you want to attempt to load this package the next time a project is loaded?
.... segue o log.