Segue especificação no manual que acompanha a impressora:
ESCZmn kdLdHd1…dn
[Name] Print QR- CODE
ASC II ESC Z m n k dL dH d1...dn
Hex 1B 5A m n k dL dH d1...dn
Decimal 27 90 m n k dL dH d1...dn
m means specified version.(1~40,0:Auto size)
n specifies the EC level.(L:7%,M:15%,Q:25%,H:30%)
k specified component type.(1~8) d the length of the data, and it contains two bytes.
dL:The first byte is the low order number.
dH:The second byte is the upper number.
d1...dn is the bar code data. When m is 0, the printer automatically selects the bar code type.
80MM Printer Programmer Manual-20161207.pdf