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Pablo Ricardo

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  1. Pablo Ricardo's post in Comparar Texto Em Variavel String was marked as the answer   
    procedure TfrmImportacaoSPED.LoadArquivo; var txt: TextFile; line: String; posicao: Integer; flag: Boolean; begin flag := False; AssignFile(txt, edtPath.Text); Reset(txt); if fArq = nil then fArq := TStringList.Create else fArq.Clear; fArq.BeginUpdate; while not Eof(txt) do begin ReadLn(txt, line); if True then if (pos('|C460|', line)) <> 0 then begin fArq.Add(line); flag := True; end else begin if flag = True then fArq.Add(line); end; end; CloseFile(txt); fArq.EndUpdate; mmo1.Text := fArq.Text; FreeAndNil(fArq); end; Funcionou para o que estou pensando em fazer. Muito obrigado pessoal.
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