não funcionou, tem um print mostrando que eu estou executando no terminal a aplicação, recebo esse erro abaixo:
Fiz o teste mas, pense comigo, se tivesse funcionado como eu iria trabalhar sem usar a IDE do lazarus para debugar?
<title>: Module Error</title>
<h1>: ERROR</h1>
The application encountered the following error:<br>
<li>Error: <b>Invalid floating point operation</b>
<li> Stack trace:<br>
$00000000007E0EAB INITLIBXML2INTERFACE, line 701 of ../../../Fontes/ACBrDFe/ACBrLibXml2.pas<br>
$00000000007F82AD CREATE, line 1186 of ../../../Fontes/ACBrDFe/ACBrXmlDocument.pas<br>
$00000000007EFDB2 CREATE, line 140 of ../../../Fontes/ACBrDFe/ACBrXmlWriter.pas<br>
$000000000057602F CREATE, line 157 of ../../../../Fontes/ACBrDFe/ACBrNFe/Base/Servicos/ACBrNFe.EnvEvento.pas<br>
$00000000004E1750 CREATE, line 990 of ../../../../Fontes/ACBrDFe/ACBrNFe/ACBrNFe.pas<br>
$00000000004DDA34 CREATE, line 201 of ../../../../Fontes/ACBrDFe/ACBrNFe/ACBrNFe.pas<br>
$000000000049F5B5 emitir, line 29 of nfe.service.pas<br>
$000000000049F485 HandleRequest, line 46 of nfe.controller.pas<br>