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  1. Olá, mesmo erro aqui! Delphi XE7 Compiling package C:\Comp\ACBr\trunk2\Pacotes\Delphi\ACBrSerial\ACBr_Serial.dpk "C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\15.0\bin\dcc32.exe" "C:\Comp\ACBr\trunk2\Pacotes\Delphi\ACBrSerial\ACBr_Serial.dpk" Embarcadero Delphi for Win32 compiler version 28.0 Copyright (c) 1983,2014 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. C:\Comp\ACBr\trunk2\Fontes\ACBrSerial\ACBrDeviceBlueTooth.pas(53) Error: E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'TBluetooth' C:\Comp\ACBr\trunk2\Fontes\ACBrSerial\ACBrDeviceBlueTooth.pas(81) Error: E2005 'TBluetooth' is not a type identifier C:\Comp\ACBr\trunk2\Fontes\ACBrSerial\ACBrDevice.pas(275) Error: E2005 'TBluetooth' is not a type identifier C:\Comp\ACBr\trunk2\Fontes\ACBrSerial\ACBrDevice.pas(322) Error: E2005 'TBluetooth' is not a type identifier C:\Comp\ACBr\trunk2\Fontes\ACBrSerial\ACBrDevice.pas(1119) Error: E2005 'TBluetooth' is not a type identifier C:\Comp\ACBr\trunk2\Fontes\ACBrSerial\ACBrBAL.pas(2214) Fatal: F2063 Could not compile used unit 'ACBrDevice.pas' Compilation failure Erro ao compilar o pacote "ACBr_Serial.dpk".
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