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Community Answers

  1. guilhermeVaz06's post in Troca de provedor Três Rios - RJ was marked as the answer   
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  2. guilhermeVaz06's post in Atualização prefeitura de Carambei-PR para versão 1.01 was marked as the answer   
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  3. guilhermeVaz06's post in Troca de provedor Rondonopolis - MT was marked as the answer   
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  4. guilhermeVaz06's post in Erro ao transmitir NFSe para prefeitura de São José dos Pinhas - PR was marked as the answer   
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  5. guilhermeVaz06's post in NFSe Pirai do Sul-PR was marked as the answer   
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  6. guilhermeVaz06's post in Fontes sistemas contábeis was marked as the answer   
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  7. guilhermeVaz06's post in Lentidão Delphi 11 was marked as the answer   
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  8. guilhermeVaz06's post in Atualizando para componente ACBrNFSeX Foz do Iguaçu/PR - ItemListaServico - Item da lista inválido was marked as the answer   
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  9. guilhermeVaz06's post in TAG valor_issrf provedor IPM Guarapuava-PR was marked as the answer   
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  10. guilhermeVaz06's post in Duvida NFS-e de Brasilia na modalidade conjulgada was marked as the answer   
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  11. guilhermeVaz06's post in ACBrNFSeX ISSCuritiba não retorna numeroNota was marked as the answer   
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  12. guilhermeVaz06's post in S-2220 - sem exame complementar was marked as the answer   
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  13. guilhermeVaz06's post in Obrigatoriedade da matricula do funcionario no evento S-2220/S-2240 was marked as the answer   
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  14. guilhermeVaz06's post in GTAE - Guia de Transporte Animal Eletronica was marked as the answer   
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