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  1. with ACBrNFe do begin DownloadNFe.Download.CNPJ := '000.000.000/00000-01'; DownloadNFe.Download.tpAmb:= 1; DownloadNFe.Download.Chaves.Clear; DownloadNFe.Download.Chaves.Add; DownloadNFe.Download.Chaves.Items[GNFe.DownloadNFe.Download.Chaves.Count-1].chNFe := '42000000000000000000000000000000000'; Download; for indContador := 0 to ACBrNFe.WebServices.DownloadNFe.retDownloadNFe.retNFe.Count - 1 do begin strPathArquivo := ACBrNFe.Configuracoes.Arquivos.PathNFe + PastaNFeTemp + '\' + ACBrNFe.WebServices.DownloadNFe.retDownloadNFe.retNFe.Items[indContador].chNFe + '-nfe.xml'; ACBrNFe.NotasFiscais.Clear; try ACBrNFe.NotasFiscais.LoadFromFile(strPathArquivo); except on E: Exception do Raise Exception.Create('Arquivo XML da NF-e inválido.'+ E.Message); end; //Ai na teoria é só ler os atributos. //..... end; end; t+
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